Short Daze

With the seasonal change in the weather and the shorter days it seems that I need to keep on the go and I haven’t had time to post in quite some time. I did hit a milestone on my goal of riding 2000 miles this year. I had to stop and get a shot of this. I had less than 1500 on the odo back in January. So I am pleased about my progress. I am continuing to ride most days except that it is harder to get home early enough to get a good ride in before dark. Last Sunday was just a beautiful fall day and I rode out along the Columbia, Dutchess County line and stopped to take a couple snap shots of the view. My camera-phone does not do this justice. The Catskills were clear and fantastic with the blue sky as a backdrop. Sometimes, I feel like I am stationary on the bike and the scenery is only moving past me because I pedal.