
Showing posts from December, 2010

Casting the first stone

We spend a lot of time being critical of ourselves, much more so than we might think. A lot of people would say that we tend to judge others but I think we find fault with our own situation far more than we look to the short comings of others. I have to say that I am guilty on both counts. If I could resolve to do one thing this year, I would attempt to be more aware of this destructive behavior. Like Popeye, “I am what I am”, and basically I am not going to make any great changes, but, I can try to be comfortable with who I am. I will never loose all the weight, but I can loose some. I’ll never take perfect care of my teeth, (a promise made after every cleaning) but, I can floss everyday. I do know that I can make changes. This March I’ll be smoke free for 2 years, so there is evidence that changes can be made. But how to not sit in the Judges chair? That is the tough one. I found myself muttering about some guy at a red light with a cigarette hanging out of mouth the other day, shoot...

Merry Christmas

Not a creature is stirring here at Uphill, Including the mouse I caught in the shed, I’m sitting here wondering if I should go to bed, An overweight-overfed-middle-aged Fred, all I can say is at least I’m not dead. Well, I should be considering how much food I have consumed in the past 24 hours. My hippie vegan brother-in-law made a feast and that along with several courses of lasagna, Cookies, pies, way too much chocolate, wine, beer and god knows what else supplied by the rest of us. I can barely move. It was a WONDERFUL Christmas. It looks like here in the Hudson Valley we are in for the first real snow storm of the year so tomorrow morning I’m off to get gas for the snow blower. I have this idea that if I go through all the effort to get ready well in advance of the snow storm that I can actually cause the storm to be averted. As if placing the snow shovel out on the porch acts like a talisman to ward off the snow. Merry Christmas, Good health and happiness to all. Spencer

Looking to the Future / Remembering the Past

Peace on Earth The Solstice celebration was a success and now we will have good fortune in the coming year, at least we can hope. I now have a headache, due to my old buddy Sam or possibly the wood smoke. The other benefit, not counting the cranial throbbing, is that there is not a branch or dead limb left to be found here at Uphill. The other day, I received some information that has thrown my whole being out of whack. You know the old saying, “ignorance is bliss and knowledge can be dangerous” or however that goes. In my mind I have a home movie with sound (played on an 8-track) and I can go and watch anytime I choose, I know the plot, I love the actors and the scenery is beautiful. I treasure the film, even as parts fade from the reel. I’m not sure that I want to re-release, digitally enhance, or create the sequel, but I can’t stop considering the possibility. The whole thing does not make for a good nights sleep or a settled stomach these past few days. It is still friggin cold and...

Home for the Holidays

Well, first let me say that it has been some time since my last post AND I know that I said that I was done complaining about work on the UpHill blog but, I do blame my lack of posts on W.R.S. So anyway, I have been reading the folks I follow and I am still riding, maybe not outside today as the wind is just a wippin here. I rolled over 2700 miles last week. I am home till New Years as I failed to use up enough vacation days over the nice weather when a guy could get out and ride and instead chose to labor for the man,I am an idiot! I've been home since Friday when I retrieved the Princess from the city. She is now home as well...the Queen may very well evict us both by the time we return to a normal schedule. I have been building up a winter beater out of scraps from the parts bin, it turns out to be a pretty capable rider and features a 1x6 drive train, rear rack, fenders and best of all old school lights run of a bottle generator. Kind of paper boy meets commuter. Tonight around...