Casting the first stone
We spend a lot of time being critical of ourselves, much more so than we might think. A lot of people would say that we tend to judge others but I think we find fault with our own situation far more than we look to the short comings of others. I have to say that I am guilty on both counts. If I could resolve to do one thing this year, I would attempt to be more aware of this destructive behavior. Like Popeye, “I am what I am”, and basically I am not going to make any great changes, but, I can try to be comfortable with who I am. I will never loose all the weight, but I can loose some. I’ll never take perfect care of my teeth, (a promise made after every cleaning) but, I can floss everyday. I do know that I can make changes. This March I’ll be smoke free for 2 years, so there is evidence that changes can be made. But how to not sit in the Judges chair? That is the tough one. I found myself muttering about some guy at a red light with a cigarette hanging out of mouth the other day, shoot...