Labor Day is NOT the end of summer
Nope...don’t want to hear that end of summer jive from the TV, my co-workers or the DJ on the radio! As far as I am concerned, we are just getting to the creamy filling, July and August are the cake, and yes, the cake is good but September and October, thats the good stuff. This year, July was dry as a powder keg and August was wet, wet wet. so here we go, into September the time for not so hot and sticky days, clear sky and outside fun. Then the cool crisp weekends of October, the green turning to red and gold! This is the BEST part of summer. We all remember those first weeks of grade school, new blue jeans and fresh skirts masking dirt stained knees. In my option, we started school too early and we missed those sweet days of late summer. I am looking forward to the end of this humidity, I am waiting for the first local apples to appear at Mr Pott’s farm stand. It’s fun to feel like I am making my bike basket useful, stuffed with a bag of Empire apples and maybe a sweater, just in ca...