Giant Rats
In my attempt to beat the heat, I have been heading out on the Surly at dawn and getting in some miles. I love the early morning silence and the absence of any traffic. One thing that has become a potential hazard is the fact that I am not totally awake for the first 15 minutes. That fact that I am not quite "with it" is compounded by the presence of the white tail deer (Giant Rats) that stand on the road side. The idiot deer spend their evenings treating everyone's gardens like free "all you can eat" salad bars. Once they have had their fill of cultivated plants they decide to stand along the road side to enjoy the sunrise. They wait very patiently until some fool comes cycling along, then at the last possible second, they stroll right out into the road. I am thinking of taking a paint ball gun along with me, load it up with fluorescent orange paint balls, and mark the repeat offenders.
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