More Snow!
I have to say that I can not remember the last winter we have had so much snow here in the Hudson Valley. The snow here at Uphill is now “Taller than the Terrier” and I have been reduced to snow blowing paths for the dog. Is this what I have become? One of those odd old men who make trails for their doggie so he can squat in peace? So the weather man says that today is the better of the two storms…enough already. The snow and cold is bad enough here that I found myself taking pity on the shed mice and have not reset the traps. I only wish that they would take to wearing Penguin costumes as another blogger has suggested. This weeks storms have also reeked havoc with my work schedule and the effects of canceled and rescheduled meetings will have an impact into March at this point.
One thing about Hudson Valley residents, they are a resilient lot, the teenagers are taking the day off from school and snow covered roads here as an opportunity to race snowmobiles up and down the roads while the snow plow guys are probably making money, if the gas prices are not taking all the profits. The terrier is busy running up and down the trails giving them all the “what for” as they pass. He’ll be tired tonight.
I have not been out on the bike for days, just spinning on the trainer and dreaming. I wish everyone a safe ride home tonight, stay home if you can, stay warm, spring will be coming soon.
One thing about Hudson Valley residents, they are a resilient lot, the teenagers are taking the day off from school and snow covered roads here as an opportunity to race snowmobiles up and down the roads while the snow plow guys are probably making money, if the gas prices are not taking all the profits. The terrier is busy running up and down the trails giving them all the “what for” as they pass. He’ll be tired tonight.
I have not been out on the bike for days, just spinning on the trainer and dreaming. I wish everyone a safe ride home tonight, stay home if you can, stay warm, spring will be coming soon.
You are better person than I am re: the dog! I let my silly shih tzu fend for himself when it comes to the snow! I think he likes playing king of the mountain right now - this is no purse puppy - and he hates the stairs so he would rather climb all the snow mounds to get to the door.