Looking ahead
Looking into the future
So, I have mentioned that I am looking into the future lately, not looking back anymore, not unless I get the flux capacitor anyway. Part of my interest in what is to come is retirement... It is coming, hopefully on my terms, not dictated by some event, corporate restructuring or god forbid...sickness. That is where it gets sticky, if you knew what your expiration date was, all this planning would be so much simpler. How easy it would be to plug in that date and work backward, As we know, we are never gonna know, so now what? Plan to live to 95? My grandma is 97 and still kickin...however my poor brother in law past away at age 67, he never got to enjoy one day of retirement... sucks, right?
I am turning 60 this January, I have worked hard, tried to save and if I am careful with the money, don’t get sick, work till 67, I will be just fine...rats. If I could, I would step away from the job that I have had for the last 27 years and do something else, something more fulfilling, something that gave me more than just a paycheck. When I talk about retirement, I don’t picture me taking a cruise around the world or golfing at the country club, no, I have a different plan. I would like to find a fun, low responsibility, high reward job. I will need to stay busy.
Have you ever heard that saying, “do what you love and never work a day in your life”? Well, thats great! How many people can actually do that? So how do you “live your best life”?
I guess you decide what is important to you, if it is knowing that you will not run out of money, then keep on working! If you are concerned about working on the “bucket list” while you are still able, then make some lifestyle adjustments and go for it! If you want it all, either have a really solid retirement portfolio or start buying lottery tickets!
So, I have mentioned that I am looking into the future lately, not looking back anymore, not unless I get the flux capacitor anyway. Part of my interest in what is to come is retirement... It is coming, hopefully on my terms, not dictated by some event, corporate restructuring or god forbid...sickness. That is where it gets sticky, if you knew what your expiration date was, all this planning would be so much simpler. How easy it would be to plug in that date and work backward, As we know, we are never gonna know, so now what? Plan to live to 95? My grandma is 97 and still kickin...however my poor brother in law past away at age 67, he never got to enjoy one day of retirement... sucks, right?
I am turning 60 this January, I have worked hard, tried to save and if I am careful with the money, don’t get sick, work till 67, I will be just fine...rats. If I could, I would step away from the job that I have had for the last 27 years and do something else, something more fulfilling, something that gave me more than just a paycheck. When I talk about retirement, I don’t picture me taking a cruise around the world or golfing at the country club, no, I have a different plan. I would like to find a fun, low responsibility, high reward job. I will need to stay busy.
Have you ever heard that saying, “do what you love and never work a day in your life”? Well, thats great! How many people can actually do that? So how do you “live your best life”?
I guess you decide what is important to you, if it is knowing that you will not run out of money, then keep on working! If you are concerned about working on the “bucket list” while you are still able, then make some lifestyle adjustments and go for it! If you want it all, either have a really solid retirement portfolio or start buying lottery tickets!
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