Yup the Bastards got me last Sunday night. It was pop up city on the old Dell. Man it makes me so angry. So that took a week of screwing around with IT to root the crap out and restore systems to normal. I hate those computer hacking bastards.

Oh the good side, the weather is great and I rode 47 miles this week end. I took the Pacer out and didn’t have any trouble. The only thing is that new Brooks is a bear to break in.
I have a nasty case of saddle sores and if things don’t improve in the hundred miles or so that baby is going on eBay. After riding on Sunday I did a little yard work picking up branches. I notice the wild onions sprouting up, it is amazing how things renew each spring, there is a deeper message that these overnight sprouting onions are sending, I am not a good enough writer to “put my finger on it” though. Think of the native Americans slogging through the winter on dried meat and rotting corn. How wonderful it must have been to gather these fresh onions and have a little hope for a new season. Yup…a little hope, a little thanks, a little patience. The days are longer, the saddle sores will heal. I think I see buds on the Lilacs!

I was listening to the News from Lake Woebegone on the iPod today and received this bit of advice
"Don't let this nice weather fool you...this is March and not spring, we know this from experience. March is a transitional month and only serves to remind those of us who don't drink what a hangover is like."
Garrison Keillor
