Spring Frenzy

Before too long the spring frenzy will swoop down upon the residents of the Hudson Valley and we will all be engaged in the annual rite of the spring season. Actually due to the unseasonably warm weather we had last week, the frenzy has already taken hold in some of the weaker folks. I can’t blame them, just like the fall rut causes the whitetail to run headlong into traffic on the Taconic, the first warm days of spring causes the homeowner to run headlong to the garden center. I have been a willing participant in this activity for many years but, in the past few seasons, I find myself admiring those residents that are able to resist the instinct to scrape, paint and rake. These folks must have a unique chromosome that is resistant to the call of the roto-tiller. While I and most of my fellow citizens are painting, scraping, hoeing and mowing, these low stress people are enjoying the first warm days of sunshine; they go fishing or get the convertible out of storage and go for a spin.
I want to be more like that but I just can’t resist dragging out the rake and poking around in the garden. The cool weather we had this past weekend “held off” my urge to frenzy and I did complete a nice 40 mile ride Sunday morning. I did notice, as I left the house this morning, that the front porch needs a coat of paint. Oh boy…here we go..the never ending up hill battle continues.
