Blowin a Gale

Man the wind has been blowing for like 3 or 4 days now. My riding has been limited by the weather and other commitments so I am primed and ready for a ride tomorrow. I am also excited to see the Princess who will be home this weekend. I love taking a ride with her. It is so cool to ride along and talk. We have been riding since she was a year old. I can remember coming back on the home stretch, one hand on the bars and one hand reaching back holding her limp, sleepy head from bobbing in the baby seat. Then there were the years of the tow behind, alley cat when I used to buy her M&M's for a little power boost. I think the stand out moment, and probably any dad would agree, was that moment when I let go of the seat and she tottered along under her own power. Oh man, exactly one split second later comes the realization that this will only be the first of many times ya gotta let go and let her make her way without you to guide her.....Ya just gotta hope she keeps her feet on the peddles and looks where she is going.
